
2024-07-05 0:27:29 体育 无敌椰子

Heart of Champions

In the heat of the moment, on fields of green,

Where dreams collide and legends convene,

With every pass, with every goal,

We write our story, heart and soul.

In the rhythm of the game, in the roar of the crowd,

We rise united, strong and proud.

Through the trials and the battles we face,

We're the champions of the European chase.

From Lisbon to London, from Rome to Madrid,

In every city where our spirits bid,

We carry hope and the fire within,

For every battle, we fight to win.

Through the years of glory and the tears of defeat,

We stand together, never retreat.

With passion ablaze and courage untold,

We forge ahead, hearts brave and bold.

In the rhythm of the game, in the roar of the crowd,

We rise united, strong and proud.

Through the trials and the battles we face,

We're the champions of the European chase.

So here's to the heroes who paved the way,

To the dreams we live and the price we pay.

In the heart of champions, forever will stand,

Our legacy written, across the land.
